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Home Games Center v26.47
Russian English
Little games center. Include 26 games. 
Download (1 Mb)
Flip-Flop, Squeeze, Spiro, Fifteen, Blocks, Oxens & Cows, Lines, Tetris, Pusher, Yacht, Pegged, Mine, Cascade, Corners, Delirium tremans, NetWalk, Tetris Cure, Columz,Bonetris, TetraVex, Pit Filler, PassKey, Digital Express

It is necessary to fill all field "check". Upon striking on any field horizontal and vertical lines are inverted.

There is a field 12x18 with the varicoloured squares. Click on any one of  them and make adjasent ones of the same color vanish. The remaining fields shift down and (after filling of a vertical row) to the left. The goal is to leave as small squares as possible.

Just throw downwards the line of squares. Three ones of one colour on vertical, horizontal and diagonal row vanish.
Those are helpful and annoying additions:
Asterisk - fits any colour (joker).
Arrow to the left - immediately takes away a row to the left from the place of its fall.
Arrow in both sides - immediately takes away  the whole row.
Arrow to the left with the button - takes away  the whole row after a square falls on it.
Rainbow - repaints squares on both sides.
Colour squares - repaints squares on sides after each fall in a new colour.
Keys: Arrows Left, Right - shift a line of squares. Space - to throw it.

Well, who does not know Fifteen? Is necessary to re-position numbers in ascending order from the upper left corner to the lower right. Arrange numbers in order for least time and moves to win.

It is necessary to find alike pictures, which destroy oneselves. You have to free all the playing field. Clicks and times elapsed are counted.

Oxens & Cows
Computer picks a four digit number. All digits are different. You have to guess the number by supposing your numbers. The 1st column shows you how much digits you have guessed (cows), the 2nt - how much of them stand in the right place (oxens). The score is counted by multiplying numbers supposed by seconds spent.

Just collect 5 balls of the same color (horizontally, diagonally or vertically) and get the most points to win. Time is not critical. Tunnelling means that a ball can escape from being locked by other balls when invoked.

Tetris Classic
Classic tetris. Just toss the figures down so as to compose one whole horizontal row, which vaniches adding points to you. In addition to classic tetris you get bonus points each time you compose several rows for one time and for composing rows of  one color.

You have to push all the red bricks by the yellow one to the blue area. Control the yellow one by arrow keys.

Resembles the poker. The goal is to arrange certain combinations.

After using of any abovementioned combination you will not be able to use it again.
Total amount of points will be your position in the table of winners.
You will have bonuses if in the 6 upper rows you get more than 60 points.

Move a chip vertically or horisontally (not diagonally) over another chip (that vanishes thereafter) and leave only one chip.

The goal is to unmine the field. The numbers on cells show how many mines surround them. You donТt have to put the flags.

The goal is to get the maximum number of points by arranging sequences У4 alikeФ or Уladder of 4Ф of dice. When forming a sequence, a die moves to the playing field in the last row moving upward previuos die or filling empty spaces. If a new sequence occurred it is counted and destroyed. When you cannot place a die to the field or the stack of 150 dice is over (unless the mode Infinitive Dice is chosen) the game stops.

- 4 dice must be adjasent by left, right, upper or lower side, but not diagonally.
- "4 alike" mean the same number of dots.
Here are some examples of "4 alike":

- "ladder of 4" is like a straight sequence in the poker, where sequences can be from 1 to 4, from 2 to 5 or from 3 to 6.
Those are some examples of the Уladder of 4Ф:

- Those are some examples, which are not "ladder of 4"

- Sequences may overlap each other. For instance:

2 sequences will be created (1,2,3,4) and (2,3,4,5)

In this case,

will be created 8 sequences!

- Dice are inserted to the column from the lower side.
- You will not be able to place a die in a filled column.
- You will not be able to place a die in a column, where the value of the lowest die is equal to the value of the insert one.

- Keys <Left arrow> and <Right arrow> are used for moving a die under columns.
- Keys <Space>, <Enter>, or <Up arrow>, are used to insert a die into a column.

Points are counted depending on how many sequences are collected at a time (table of points is shown on the screen).
You are to earn a bonus points:
- If you use dice with the letter "B", your points are multiplied by the value of this die. Dice with the letter "B" appear every 30 moves with the values from 2 to 6.
- Total clearing of playing field will bring you 30 points.
- Total clearing of playing field on the last move will bring you 80 points.

The winning strategy is to collect the maximum of sequences that will be counted at a time. One of the methods to achieve this is to alternate dice in columns 1 and 2 in the leftmost column, then 2 or 3 in the next column, then 3 or 4, 4 or 5, 5 or 6. This method tends to collect several sequences at a time.

The goal is to circle clockwise and move all your chips to УhomeФ (your chips are blue). If 6 dots occurred you can place 1 chip to the left lower corner of the field and you can repeat rotating the die. When a game starts click to the button УRotateФ until 6 dots occur. Make your moves by the number of dots occured on the die. You can beat alien chip on the last step of your move or if you place a new chip. If an alien chip blocks the way Ц you lose your turn.

Delirium tremans
Choose a level and simply destroy as many of the devils as possible!

Assemble the computer network rotating the components by clicking on them. Points are counted by multiplying number of clicks by the time spentfor assembling.

Tetris Cure
Kill all the bacteria by tablets, collecting 4 chips of one colour on vertical or horizontal. Each level increases number of bacteria compared to the previous.

A variety of Tetris. The goal is to collect 3 or more chips of the same colour on vertical, horizontal or diagonal and get as large as possible points.

Bonetris Idea © BonyaSoft 19.07.2001
The goal is to collect vertical and horizontal sequences of one colour or of alike form. When collected sequences are destroed, "hanging" chips fall down. There are 3 levels of difficulty: 4 colours + 4 forms, 5 colours + 5 forms and 6 colours + 6 forms.

Fill all the cells with the chips so that all adjasent numbers are the same. Levels of difficulty from 3x3 to 6x6.

PitFiller Idea © BonyaSoft 19.09.2001
The goal is to place chips to the holes leaving no one outside of the holes. Clicking on a field invertes the chips in a УplusФ-like pattern as shown below. If you click on any border of the field Ц the opposing border is inverted. Try to click as few times as possible. There are several sizes of the fields - 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9 and Super (22x22).

Rotate black figure-keys to the right by left mouse button and fit them to the spaces to the left so that to fill all spaces. Keys fit only to the spaces of the same shape. To win you must be the fastest player. There are 3 levels: 4x8, 5x10, 6x12.

Digital Express
Click all the numbers in the playing field in ascending order beginning from 1 to the maximum number on your level. There are 3 field sizes 6x6, 8x8, 10x10.

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